Making the most of life

19 and making the most of life

If y'all read my About Me you'd know my life is filled with lots of moving and frequent CHANGE. So how in the world am I making the best of this chaos? Well it's definitely a work in progress, but here are a few things I've been up to.

Throughout the past year or so my fitness goals have been accomplished and lost all too often. I've finally discovered my flaws...I let life get in the way, make excuses, and truly lack consistency. Now that I know what's been going wrong, it'll be a little easier to have it go right. However, I'm a wee bit restricted due to various health limitations and complications I endure. This will not stop me from reaching that end goal. I don't care if it takes 6 months or even years to accomplish my goal: to feel good in my own skin and progress my overall health. I use to focus on a number, which I do have a guess-timation of where I want to end up at, but this time around I'm not focusing on the scale I'm focusing on the feeling.

Self Love
If you're familiar with my blog you probably know about my post "Learn to Love Y O U", if not you should go check it out for my take on societies corruption in my personal life. This post will further explain the "self love" part of my journey. In a nutshell, I'm using several approaches to reteach myself how to love and accept the unique and one-of-a-kind me. Therapy, yoga, and self development are a few of the resources I'm currently exploring.

If you're not familiar with this acronym it means Stay At Home Wife. I am a SAHW, however, I do bring in income. How so? I'm an International Marketing Professional for ItWorks! Global. I began this journey this past January when I was in a rut, and tired of working three jobs while Dylan was away training. It was hard since I was paying for bills we had shared previous to him shipping out, and I had no access to his funds (not his fault whatsoever). All I knew was that I needed a CHANGE. 

I had done BeachBody several months before, but it just didn't work for me (I have nothing against them just wasn't my thing). Then, I discovered ItWorks!. I saw my now mentor's posts and followed them for months wanting to join this amazing journey she was pursuing. I ended up saving for almost 3 months I think before I could get that $99 Business Starter Kit money. But, WOW, was it worth it!

 I love that I'm able to work wherever I am, whenever I please. Whether I work a few hours, take a few days off, or bust my's my choice. This was great during the spring when I fell extremely ill. Dylan has always done his best to be the primary provider, as it is how he was raised. I was all about equality in the beginning, but I really appreciated the partnership we have when I was down for a bit and he had to compensate. 

I want to assure those who disagree with our dated and rather traditional views on the "family structure/roles", even though I know I don't really need to. People will say what they want either way. I really want give Dylan the credibility he deserves. He would never ever discourage me from pursuing a career, education, or dream. In fact, he does everything in his power to be my #1 fan. Yes, he feels good being able to know his wife and furbaby are living well because of his efforts, but he always encourages me to follow my heart whether that's having my own career, a side gig, or just a hobby. 

At first ItWorks! was definitely all about that extra $500+/month to help my family while he was away, but when he came home we didn't really need it. I ended up turning my business into a hobby, this is my only regret with this company, which is my own fault. I actually wish I would've started with them much sooner. Anyhow, after this realization I've gone back into #bossbabe mode to really challenge myself. Dylan is often away due to his career and I really have an amazing opportunity to harness this time to focus on me

On top of what y'all see right now, you know, me starting this blog and all...I've set a goal to make what I did in a previous full-time job with my business by this next spring.And, by the end of my second year with the company, I'm pushing myself to make the equivalent to Dylan..most likely more. 

How so? This income goal I speak of doesn't account for the weekly bonus opportunities I can earn. I control my commission and bonuses, because well I control my schedule and efforts. Best part....I can work from anywhere. So while we are moving, while we are traveling, no matter where I happen to be..if I have access to my phone or wifi on my Mac I'm all set!! I love this as a military spouse, when he's home I have the freedom to dedicate my time to him, but when he's away I have something to occupy my time that I make income off of and enjoy. I really suggest this for anyone who wants an extra $500+/month or even just something that is fun and satisfying to do! Feel free to message me :)

Unfortunately, last year in the midst of our troubles, I dropped out of school to take a job opportunity so we would be able to survive. This happened even after Dylan's best efforts to keep me in school by working three jobs himself. To many on the outside, dropping out was a huge mistake. Recently, I've learned it may have been a blessing in disguise. Due to Dylan's rank I have many opportunities and scholarships that can help me complete my degree. I've actually stumbled across a program that can help me get an Associates Degree in Business Administration and Communications in 6 months or less. Too good to be true right? Nope, and it gets ever better. I'm blessed to have this opportunity because my education is going to be covered in full. Yes, you heard that right, it's free. I will be proceeding with the enrollment process within the next week and my courses with commence in the fall after we've settled in. Another reason why I love my job, I can control my hours. I'll be able to adjust my work on days I may need more commitment with my courses. I'm ecstatic for this to start. 2017 is already more than half way over, and golly...2018 is looking bright for me.

I hope all you lovelies are inspired by my recent accomplishments, aspirations, and enjoy witnessing my journey. Just remember you are strong, beautiful, unique, and can accomplish anything you set your mind to!

Lisa Monique
instagram/twitter: lisa__monique


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