the yummiest trend

smoothies bowls

I LOVE this booming health trend. Smoothie bowls are my go-to breakfast or light day meal.

Using my personal sized Hamilton Beach blender I can make the perfect smoothie or smoothie bowl. It's honestly so perfect for my lifestyle and has several uses when I'm prepping my food, but we can talk about all that fun stuff in another post. (;

** UPDATE** I've recently started using Mason Jars and prepping my smoothies in them. When I'm ready to make one, I just put my standard blender attachments where the lid would go!

  • 1.5 cups of frozen fruit - Great Value has the pre-prepped packer tropical & greens! (add half a frozen banana for extra creaminess)
  • 1-2 scoops of protein powder ( I use generic Strawberry Whey or ItWorks! Shake) &/OR 2 Generous tablespoons of Vanilla Greek Yogurt 
  • 2 scoops of Berry Greens ItWorks!
  • 1-2 tsp dry freezed acai powder
  • 4-6 oz of milk or preferred juice
Pulse blend until preferred consistency. For thicker smoothies (preferred for bowls) add more frozen fruit and less liquids! 

Add your favorite fruit, nuts, seeds, flakes or granola on top and you're all set! I normally drizzle a bit of honey on my topping for a little sweetness. Also trick I learned at Banzai Bowls, add the granola in your bowl before the smoothie if you want the extra texture or for a more simplistic topping picture!

If you're interested in or want to know more about ItWorks! products feel free to contact me. I have a great opportunity to help you get 40% off products.

Lisa Monique 
instagram/twitter: lisa__monique


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